To purchase a property in Spain it is a big decision for a family and also for the investment. In this video Linda is explaining aspects of the property purchase in Spain for individuals. How to prepare, what is the process and some extra tips. CONTENT 0:00 Intro 0:50 Buying checklist 3:25 Searching for […]
How to purchase a property in Valencia?
What is now happening with the real estate market in Valencia? Renting vs purchasing Although the cost of the property in Valencia is more affordable than in Madrid and Barcelona, as regards to the rental market it cannot be considered cheap anymore. There is not much available for lower than 700 euros, and the rental […]
Private Health Insurance in Spain: What Should You Know? [Video]
Almost every day we are receiving questions about what is the best private health insurance in Spain for expats. What is important and what is not, and what to look for when choosing your Spanish health insurance provider? In this video I will explain what type of private Health insurance policy will work for […]
“We are not any different”- LGBTQ expats in Valencia
It is not a secret that Valencia has become very attractive as a destination country for expats from all over the world, due to its Mediterranean climate, cuisine, diversity, affordable living costs and the laid-back lifestyle. There are thousands of words that could describe this sparkling city, but friendly is one of the most common […]
Founder of Amazing Capitals – Garry Hurskainen-Green (interview)
Entrepreneur and a long time expat himself – Garry has been creating expat friendly city guides for a while now. The latest city on his list is Valencia. We wanted to know a little more about him and what is his opinion about Valencia. Garry where are you originally from? I was born in Gosport, […]